We’ve compiled some of the most common special characters that you may want to use when typing for easy reference. Note that you must use the 10-key number keypad on your keyboard (not the numbers across the top) for these codes to work. If you don’t have that, you can copy/paste the symbols from this page.
If there are any common ones you use that are missing, let us know!
Alt + 0153 | ™ | trademark symbol |
Alt + 0169 | © | copyright symbol |
Alt + 248 / Alt + 0176 | ° | degree sign |
Alt + 0150 | – | en dash |
Alt + 0151 | — | em dash |
Alt + 171 / Alt + 0189 | ½ | fraction (one-half) |
Alt + 241 / Alt + 0177 | ± | plus-minus sign |
Alt + 242 | ? | greater than or equal to sign |
Alt + 243 | ? | less than or equal to sign |
Alt + 0215 | × | multiplication sign |
Alt + 246 / Alt + 0247 | ÷ | division sign |
Alt + 247 | ? | approximately equal to sign |
Alt + 130 / Alt + 0233 | é | small e with accent aigu (acute) |
Alt + 138 / Alt + 0232 | è | small e with accent grave |
Alt + 139 / Alt + 0239 | ï | small i with diaeresis |